They charge you to do their homework
They track you and collect your sales data to get more insight on the market at no cost for them. Then, they use their findings to launch copycats of trending products and sub-brands that compete with you. And to gain more market dominance, they derank you in the search results at the same time. Not cool.
They decide what you're allowed to sell
They have full control over what you can and can't sell based on their corporate interests. Their quest for market dominance locks you out of a ton of valuable opportunities, limits the number of customers you gain, and impedes on your ability to grow naturally. You deserve to be in control of your own business.
They rule against you most of the time
If you sell online, then you know how rarely online marketplaces rule in your favour when it comes to dispute resolutions. The buyers are the ones bringing them money, and so they want their repeat business. That’s why they give them the best treatment possible; sellers usually simply follow along.
You pay them too much
E-commerce businesses are controlled by corporate interests hungry for revenue and market dominance. That's why they keep on, year after year, raising their fees and commissions. You end up paying them a huge cut of every sale you make just for their permission to sell.